The 80s and 90s were without doubt the best decades for power ballads and acoustic rock ballads. Hair metal bands and glam metal bands reigned supreme in the years of lipstick and leather. High pitched vocals set to the strains of an acoustic backdrop became hugely popular. Every album released by rock bands in the 80s and 90s featured power ballads and acoustic rock ballads. The tunes from these decades gave an anthem new meaning. This is a showcase of the best power ballads and acoustic rock ballads from the 80s and 90s that give balladry new meaning.
If you’re one amongst the many that love high pitched vocals, you just cannot miss hair bands from the 80s and 90s. A number of rock bands dishing out acoustic rock ballads and power ballads emerged in an era when torn jeans, spandex and long haired rockers ruled. Lyrics about love, heartache, anger and guilt ruled supreme in ballads. Rock ballads became popular in the 80s and 90s because of the lyrical stories interpreted through heart. Gut wrenching vocals smooth as silk and guitar solos that could heal a broken heart formed an integral part of power ballads and acoustic rock ballads.
80s and 90s-The Power ballad and Acoustic Rock Ballad era
As music channels sprung up in the 80s and 90s, several glam metal bands got the needed exposure to propel forward. A number of bands started releasing albums that had power ballads aside from the heavy dose of rock n roll.
AOR (Album Oriented Rock) became a rage in the 80s and 90s. Passionate high pitched voices ruled the decades of lipstick and leather. Acoustic intros formed an integral part of slow rock songs and power ballads. Record companies realized audiences had started taken a liking to rock ballads and this lead to the steady growth of compilations, both power ballads and acoustic rock ballads. Suddenly compilation albums of rock bands started hitting music stores in a big way. Thanks to Music Television channel MTV, glam metal and hair metal bands got significant airplay in the 80s and 90s.
Hair bands began to fade away in the late 90s after other genres of music, grunge and alternative in particular established a firm footing. With the emergence of the alternative and grunge bands in the 90s, several record companies parted ways with glam metal bands and hair metal bands. Only a few hair bands survived the grunge onslaught. While many hair metal purists believed it was the end of the power ballad era, it wasn’t to be. Post 2000 a number of hair bands from the 80s and 90s formed reunions and released albums. Power metal bands became hugely popular in the late 90s and post 2000s. Power metal ballads continue the tradition of acoustic rock ballads and power ballads hair bands from the 80s and 90s brought to life. It’s not ended; this is the beginning, a beginning of a new era of power ballads.
Below is a list of memorable rock ballads. Feel free to be a part of the nostalgia and voice your opinion. Do feel free to add to the list and help it grow.
Greatest slow rock songs of the 80s and 90s
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